Monday, April 23, 2007

Herr W see the world in the spring part 1

Sunday morning and breakfast in Meilahti after a nice Saturday first at a party in Munkkivuori and then in Corona, on of the pubs owned by Aki Kaurismäki,

after breakfast, flee marked and coffee in Kallio, dinner in center then sauna with swimming pool and cold beer in Lautasari.

what a day, and Helsinki delivers every time. and those are the kind of things that are nice with Helsinki, big flee market and huge cups of coffee and nice people. and if you in London are never further than 2 meters away from a rat than in Helsinki you are never further than 5 meters from a sauna.

Monday, meeting Asko, checking out their studio, where i found this Russian drum machine,

next time,



näyrde von göbbels said...

cool stuff teewee. what did asko say about new album?

Herr W said...

he said that they are starting recording during the fall,

Lilly said...

Niiiiiiiiiiiice :-D