Thursday, February 22, 2007

these are crazy days but they make me shine.

been feeling weird lately, and when my head is weird it ends up effecting my behaviour as well; i went to a hardware store to day and ended up buying a wing nut and a bolt, they fit and that makes me feel safe, sometimes i just needs to experience that the world works and that's when i instead of doing something dramatic, i buy a 2,- kroner wing nut and a 3,- kroner bolt and put them together and they fit, OK i do agree that one can work out various analyses about this specially due to the shape of both the wing nut and the bolt, and the Norwegian word for wing nut is mutter which is slang for mother... i´ll stop now.

... and continue with telling you about a concert i went to with Herr K and Miss A, (soon to be Mrs K?), it was Farmers Marked and Kork (the Norwegian broadcasting orchestra) and it was just amazing, Farmers Marked are known for their Balkan speed boogie,and their humour; with song titles like "Les Paul more John" and labeling their music; Country and eastern, so we were up for a good time in so many ways, the concert will be sent on nrk during the spring i hope.

more "hardware" store shopping; bought Sepultura Chaos A.D. today, don´t know if that's a good sign? Why do i buy records that i got on CD, and why do i buy music that i know all to well? It´s a good record that's for sure and i will listen to it a lot. But what does it do to me? hmmm, is it all to feel safe, coz really i have nothing to fear, i have a job, and friends etc. etc. well i will stop bothering you with this now, and if i have bored you, i can at least say that i posted a nice photo from the Farmers Marked gig.




näyrde von göbbels said...

:-)), nice story of the mutter. "these are grazy days..." so familiar line and i can hear the melody, but can't get the song title to my head.

näyrde von göbbels said...

now i got it, oasis - all around the world.

Herr W said...

CONGRATULATIONS N von G, you are now the lucky winner of a hairdryer, will keep it or trade for a peek in our "WHATS IN THE BOX" box?

Espen Nersveen said...

your blog is slowly dying terje, if cpr is not given this will soon be the end of the farmacia.


ingunn said...

Terje, ka skjer m bloggen? Venter spent på UKM-rapport :) Klæm, I

Unknown said...

Hei Terje. Eg les bloggen din. Den er fin. Helsing Irene

Herr W said...

Näyrde von G,
did you want the hairdryer or not?
mark my words; the farmacia will rise again,
ukm raport, hehe, det var stas, og bloggen er tilbake som du ser,
gøy å se deg her, og bli for all del jeg skal oppdatere oftere jeg lover selv om mars desverre ikke har vært den beste månedn i Farmacias historie,

thanks for sticking with the farmacia during the break,