Wednesday, February 06, 2008

the longing

Every now and every then i start longing, can be anything, really.
A new 7inch, sushi, call Grandma, etc.

first i notice that there is something "wrong",
then that i`m longing,
and third finding what actions that can be taken to after come this feeling.

I`m at third step, i have had this feeling for some time now and now i know what i`m longing for

Chopin`s Ballads.

The, often mistaken for being frence , polish composer Frédéric-François Chopin (1810-49) here sen in his last days sick and tired, wrote 4 ballads for solo piano, a ballad is just long piano piece, the first in1833 the last in 1843.
The first Ballade, G Minor,Op. 23, (1833), is probably the most known, and the piece Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody) plays for the German soldier in Polanski`s The pianist, not the whole thing of course , but some of it.

Well they all have their strength only the second Ballade, F Major, Op. 38, (1839) is kind of boring, its dedicated to Robert Schumann and Chopin probably didn`t like him that much, Schuman on the other hand loved Chopin and dedicated his Kreisleriana opus 16 to him a today more played piano work, though its rumored that Chopin didn`t even look at it when it came in the mail, but left it unopened on his piano.
here Chopin`s manuscript for opus 38

The third Ballade, A flat Major,Op. 47, (1841) is by far my favorite, and the forth Ballade, F Minor,Op. 52, (1843) is lovely too.

Its been a while since i hear these pieces now, but i remember what they are all about for me:
Melody, all the melodies are perfection. I Can`t say which recording would be best, coz the melodies are so strong that the pianist can`t go wrong.

only thing; i don`t have any recordings, i sold them all years ago, and now i have to get one, but i can`t go out... more on that some other day.


Reeta said...

Hei you! There is an award waiting for you in my blog! Pusu!

Johannes said...

Woha, Terje! Colorshock!

Anyroads, I know the longing..
And since I mentioned Seinfeld last time. I just have to add this quote (also one of my all time favorites, since it relates to your topic:

Kramer : “Do you ever yearn?”
George: “Yearn? Do I yearn?”
Kramer: “I yearn.”
George: “You yearn?”
Kramer: “Oh, yes. Yes, I yearn. Often, I...I sit...and yearn. Have you yearned?”
George: “Well, not recently. I've craved. I crave all the time, constant craving...but I haven't yearned.”

Hope your back is back in shape..

Herr W said...

thanks R, you are among my favorites too .

my back is get along thanks,

me and my better half have this 90min.: Simpsons X 2 then Seinfeld thing going on mon-fri, its a party and we cry if we want to...

one of the many things this makes me realize it that i`m grateful that i grew up with this series, i know so many people mostly younger than me that dosen`t get it, and i realize that my life would be slightly less fantastic if i didn`t get Seinfeld.

do you see what i mean?

Lilly said...

I knew a Swede once; he too was obsessed with Seinfeld.

Terje; you amaze me. Dam dam dam -- then it's like you write a novel about classical music. Where the (oh, I NEARLY used the F-word!) hell did that come from? I love it!

Herr W said...

thanks, takk,

seinfeld is running in some norwegian canal,and has been ever since they were actually making it its like a ball they toss around being "the dirty job that someones got to do"

and we love it...

updates soon, oh so soon:)