Thursday, December 20, 2007

Finding peace in old videos.

you heard me right,
first soundgarden`s Black hole sun, and now Smashing Pumpkin`s bullet with butterfly wings,
the heydays of angry American men.

tried to take a picture i could post here tonight but as you might have seen my photos are crappy and it`s for a reason, i`m not a photographer, anouk is on with her Nobodys wife, was she dutch?

no i`m not a photographer and i never will be, and i hate when people say that "everybody can learn to draw", i can`t draw and i never will be able to,

now cardigans are on with my favorite game, and i just realized what is that i like about nina; her cheekbones.

wanted to post a picture that said something about how cold it was even stopping to take it, but failed.

now muse are on, super massive black hole...sun?


room217 said...

What You need is a nice old camera to fall in love with. One that has a nice, rewarding shuttersound and a crappy film-advance handle. That leaks light onto the film and fucks up every other picture. Or even better; a whole shelf of them.

Herr W said...

i believe,
i don`t know if there is a saying like that; "everyone can learn to take pictures" like there is with the drawing,

nevertheless i will continue to hope for those art-by-accident moments, but i`m afraid the accidents haven`t been on my side lately.

Johannes said...

Ah the memories, the memories!

He actually had hair at a point..
Can't wait to see that angry, old, american, bald man in spektrum in 08.

Keep taking those photos, terje! Don't forget UKM..

Herr W said...

ukm, yeah, haha, i was the model, and i do like to be taken pictures of,

yeah billy had hair, those were the days, it is a good tune,