Sunday, January 20, 2008

deeper underground

back in Finland,
this time my view on the town; Helsinki is different, probably because i know that i might move here within 3years, and need to see what that might feel like,

i went underground yesterday for some club event with videos and a band playing,
most of the videos were crap, but the band rocked, wasn`t as psychedelic as the picture suggests but nevertheless...

it rains here but that just gives me the time i need to do the couple of things that i have planed to do;
- be on vacation,
- read Kjell Westös book "Der vi en gang gikk"
- figure out Robert Schumann's 3. Piano sonata "Concert without Orchestra".
- and update here more that 3 times while in finland.

tonight live music to one of the films that i have wanted to see for a long time: Aelita

see you soon

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